Sunday 4 January 2015

Arctic Fox

This morning started with a hard frost, but beautiful sunshine. We decided on a walk up Caer Caradoc to take advantage of the beautiful winter scenery. As we walked across the valley the fog began to come, until all we could see below us was fog with top of Caradoc and the Lawley poking through. The wind picked up and the fog came, by the time we were at the top of Caradoc we were surrounded by fog.

Yet, despite the subzero temperatures and fog freezing water droplets in my beard and on my clothes, we found life. Granted, it was moving slowly, but the unmistakable larva of a Fox Moth was on the path.

Fox Moth larva

Caradoc is outside of my 1km square, but as I walked back into it I picked a few new bird species to take me up to 25 for the year. A slow start but a steady one.

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